Genomic DNA Extraction Kit (Cultured Cells) 2.0

Product overview


The Genomic DNA Kit (Cultured Cells) provides an efficient method for purifying total DNA (including genomic, mitochondrial, and viral DNA) from cultured animal cells. Chaotropic salt is used to lyse cells and degrade proteins, allowing DNA to bind to the glass fiber matrix of the spin column. Contaminants are removed using the Wash Buffer (containing ethanol) and the purified genomic DNA is eluted by a low salt Elution Buffer or TE. The entire procedure can be completed in 40 minutes without phenol/chloroform extraction or alcohol precipitation, with an average DNA yield of 60 μg from 10^7 cultured cells. Purified DNA, with approximately 20-30 kb, is suitable for use in PCR or other enzymatic reactions.


  • Low contaminants: glass fiber matrix
  • High Yield: up to 60 μg
  • 10^7 cultured cells
  • PCR

Technical / Specifications

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SYG117-001 (4 pcs) SYG117-100P (100 pcs) SYG117-300P (300 pcs)
CC1 Buffer 1 ml 25 ml 65 ml
CC2 Buffer 1 ml 25 ml 65 ml
CC3 Buffer 1.5 ml 35 ml 95 ml
W1 Buffer 2 ml 45 ml 125 ml
W2 Buffer 300 μl x2 15 ml 25 ml x2
Elution Buffer 1 ml 10 ml 30 ml
CC Column 4 pcs 100 pcs 300 pcs
Collection Tubes 4 pcs 100 pcs 300 pcs
User Manual 1 1 1

Support/ Documents
