100 bp YEA Ladder DNA Marker IV (Ready-to-Use)

Product overview


The Yeastern Biotech’s 100 bp YEA Ladder DNA Marker IV (FYD012-1ML) contains 15 discrete fragments ranging from 100 bp to 5000 bp.
The wide range allows you to identify target DNA to the greatest extent. It is supplied in a ready-to-use format containing blue tracking dyes, and mixed at varied concentrations.

For best results, load 3 μL of the marker per well. There are two fragments, 500 bp and 1200 bp, as the reference bands which are approximately 90 ng each for these two bands and  30 ng for other bands if load 3 μL per well. It allows sizing and concentration estimation of DNA fragments on agarose gel generation by PCR or restriction digestion.
  • Broad range
  • High concentration
  • Locating DNA of interest
  • DNA quantification
  • DNA tracking

Technical / Specifications

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# FYD012-1ML (1 mL)

Loading volume: 2~3 μL/ well
190 ng/μL, 1 mL
5x DNA Loading dye, 1 mL

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