1 kb YEA Ladder DNA Marker IV (Ready-to-Use)

Product overview


The Yeastern Biotech’s 1 kb YEA Ladder DNA Marker IV (FYD011-1ML) contains 13 discrete fragments ranging from 250 bp to 12 kb.
The wide range allows you to identify target DNA to the greatest extent. It is supplied in a ready-to-use format containing blue tracking dyes, and mixed at varied concentrations.

For best results, load 3 μL of the marker per well. There are two fragments, 1.5 kb and 4 kb, as the reference bands which are approximately 90 ng each for these two bands and  30 ng for other bands if load 3 μL per well. It allows sizing and concentration estimation of DNA fragments on agarose gel generation by PCR or restriction digestion.
  • Broad range
  • High concentration
  • Locating DNA of interest
  • DNA quantification
  • DNA tracking

Technical / Specifications

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# FYD011-1ML (1 mL)

Loading volume: 2~3 μL/ well
170 ng/μL, 1 mL
5x DNA Loading dye, 1 mL

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